After successfully deciding on a classifier, after adjusting and optimizing the parameters on behalf of training data, it is time to evaluate the model. In the context of model evaluation, a few statistical terms are of importance, most importantly:
Accuracy and Precision
Both have colloquially pretty much the same meaning, however in statistics they describe different properties. They are independent of each other, models can be highly accurate but have low precisiony or also highly precision but low in accuracy. Ideally you have a model that is both highly accurate and highly pricise.
To understand the definitions, we start with the so called Confusion Matrix, which can be created for all classifiers or supervised learning models. After building up your model you compare the actual results to the results predicted by your model. You then build a matrix classifying the compared results via the following matrix (in case you have more results than true/false, you can create the confusion matrix to each feature):
The True Positives (TP) and the True Negatives (TN) are the datasets that your model correctly predicted, the higher the value in these boxes, the better is your model. Errors in the predicted classifications of your model can be devided in:
- False Positives (FP) (or also called Type-1-Errors) are the cases, in which your model classified a dataset incorrectly as positive,
- False Negatives (FN) (also called Type-2-Errors) are the ones incorrectly classified to negative.
Accuracy now is the ration of correctly classified datasets compared with the whole dataset, so
Accuracy = ( True Positives + True Negatives ) / All classified examples.
A high accuracy seems to be a reasonable choice to evaluate your model, however it is not sufficient, as the following example shows: Imagine you have a classifier for breast cancer, which in most cases will give negative result. In fact for 2017, US expect a rate of ~0,123% of new cases. Imagine that your classifier always predicts negative results, then your classifier will have TP = 0,987, TN = 0, and therefore an accuracy of 98,7%, however we agree that the classifier is not at all useful.
We somehow need to have to consider the overall positives (P) and the overall negatives (N).
Here is where precision comes into play. Precision is calculated as
Precision = True Positives / ( True Positives + False Positives )
Now for our dummy classifier the precision would be 0 confirming that it is not useful at all.
There are more key figures relevant, but they will be posted on a later post. For now the confusion matrix is a first hint to determine if your classifier is useful.
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